FarmHer to Mama

 Support a growing community of female farmers, nurses, nutritionists and first time new mamas fighting for food security together.

Together we work to nourish women in body and soul for generations to come.


 By Women. For Women.

Food Grown by FarmHers

A beautiful, diverse group of female growers and producers have come together to plant, preserve and share the bounty of their hearts and harvests with first time new mothers living at 250% or below the poverty line. FarmHers are growing fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, flowers and more to create thoughtful, seasonally curated food totes to give to first-time moms. FarmHers also connect with each other for support as women and mothers themselves, and offer safe, caring spaces for farm tours, farm dinners and workshops.

Care Given by Nurses

Food grown by the FarmHers is distributed to the new mamas through Nurse Family Partnership. NFP offers free personal, in-home nurse care to first-time moms from the third trimester until the baby’s second birthday. Moms and nurses form a lasting bond over years of support, advice and information shared to be confident mothers. Nurses will deliver local food totes once a month to mothers in their care. Purdue Extension Nutrition Educators will support moms learning to nourish their bodies and learn new skills to support the health of their children.

Mamas & Babies Nourished in Body & Spirit

Mothers and their infants receive fresh local produce, pasture-raised meats, eggs, farm-made soups and salads, local flower bouquets, spice kits and so much more. All within a community of supportive women. The goal of this program is to provide a beautiful experience for new moms and empower women to build networks that support their food security and wellbeing.

The Latest from FarmHer to Mama

Are you a woman-owned business?

FarmHer to Mama is more than distributing food boxes. We also work with and purchase items from value-added producers and women-owned businesses to offer Mamas self-care items and other goodies to support their spirits on their journey through motherhood. We prioritize producers and businesses who use local products and ingredients.

Get in touch!

We’d love your support to expand this program to serve more women for many more years. Reach out at and let’s work together!

 Dear Mama, we’re in this together.